Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ottawa Social Host Liability Lawyers - Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki LLP - Can I be held liable when hosting a holiday party?

Ottawa Social Host Liability Lawyers - Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki LLP.

During the holiday season, people tend to socialize more and drink more alcohol. Unfortunately, there also tends to be more people drinking and driving. As a home owner (or tenant) hosting a holiday party or any other get together where alcohol is supplied , the question becomes whether there is exposure to liability if someone drinks at your home and then drives drunk. Can the home owner or host be held responsible should the drunk driver injure or kill someone. The answer in short is – absolutely yes. The area of law surrounding this issue is called social host liability. As an Ottawa personal injury law firm, we often receive calls from persons concerned about social host liability. The inquiries focus around the home owner wanting to host a party where alcohol will be served, what the responsibilities of a host are and what the risks are.

If you serve alcohol at your home, whether at a party or just a friendly gathering, there is always risk. The risk increases with knowledge and the amount of drinking involved. If you are aware that someone who attended your home has become intoxicated and is unable to drive, you arguably have a legal obligation to try and stop that person even if that involves calling 911. If the person becomes intoxicated at your home, drives and injures someone else, you can be held liable under the social host liability principles.

As Ottawa Accident Lawyers - Ottawa Social Host Liability Lawyers, we urge you to drink responsibly. If you drink, simply do not drive. If someone wants to drive drunk, safely stop them from driving. Planning is important. There are options: have a designated driver, take the bus, call a cab, call a friend, stay over night, call Operation Red Nose, call Responsible Choice.

For legal advice in personal injury issues, call us for a free consultation. Ottawa Social Host Lawyers, Ottawa Injury Lawyer. 613-563-1131.

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