Thursday, September 3, 2009

Do “No Fee Unless You Win” Agreements Really Exist?

Do “No Fee Unless You Win” Agreements Really Exist?

In short, the answer is yes. In Ontario, the Solicitors Act allows personal injury and other lawyers to contract with clients offering no fee unless a settlement is obtained. At Plant Quinn Thiele LLP almost all of our personal injury files are opened on the basis of no fee being charged unless a settlement is obtained.

The term “No fee Unless We Settle” means exactly what it conveys. We will not charge you a fee unless we obtain a settlement for you. This fee arrangement generally applies only to personal injury cases and lawyers are prohibited from entering into such agreements in certain cases, such as in family law cases. A No Fee Unless You Win arrangement is called a “contingency agreement” and is allowed in personal injury cases. The fee is payable contingent on a settlement being obtained. These types of agreements are absolutely legal and for many clients, is the only way to access an experienced personal injury lawyer and only means to obtain justice and compensation for injuries sustained in an accident caused by the fault of another person. At Plant Quinn Thiele LLP, the No Fee Unless You Win is not simply an advertising gimmick, it is a promise we put in writing.

If you have been injured but do not have resources available to hire a personal injury lawyer, call us. As indicated, most personal injury cases we handle are on a No Fee Unless You Win basis. Call Plant Quinn Thiele, LLP, Ottawa, Ontario Injury Lawyers. 613-563-1131. Marc-Nicholas Quinn is a partner at PQTLaw in Ottawa and regularly writes articles on the subject of personal injury cases. He is an advocate for persons injured in accidents.

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