Friday, June 5, 2009

Mediation - Why it Works - Ottawa Family Mediation

Mediation - Why it Works

When a marriage or relationship ends, the spouses must reach agreement on many issues, including property division, allocation of debt, security, home, spousal support, child support, child custody, parenting and access. In family mediation, you can privately settle all issues arising out of the dissolution of a marriage or relationship. Increasingly, spouses are turning to family mediation as a means to avoid the high costs associated with the more public and formal legal process of a divorce application or court application. Family mediation is a low-cost alternative to litigation which allows the parties to take control of the process by which they will resolve the issues arising out of separation.

Divorce can often lead to a loss of contact between parents and children. At family mediation, you can discuss and resolve issues such as the potential negative consequences of reduced contact between parent and child. Studies have shown that cooperation between the former spouses on parenting issues, despite the separation, can reduce the negative effects of the divorce on children. Most parents agree that this is important to them. Their children are what is most important.

Because parents value and cherish their children, family mediation has emerged in recent years as a much more suitable alternative to court proceedings. Mediation can be more effective in resolving issues, is less expensive, is focussed on direct client resolution that fits the family and can effectively prevent many custody disputes from developing into all out court battles which financially, emotionally and psychologically drains the family.

Contact Marc Nicholas Quinn, Ottawa Family Mediator to discuss how mediation can work for you. 613-563-1131.

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